Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wind River canyon

A long time ago, in a land far away, I lived in Wyoming. I resided in the Cowboy State a couple of times, interrupted by a short stint in Utah. The first time I was there, in 1975, I worked for a TV station as a transmitter engineer. This was rather an unusual job, since it required me to live at the site, on top of a mountain 25 miles up a dirt road from town. I didn't get into town very often, with the longest period being a six week stretch when the road was closed by snow and the weather too nasty to snowmobile down.

The mountaintop I lived on was situated at the edge of a 2000 foot cliff. At the bottom was the Wind River, which was the route of the Burlington Northern Railroad's line through the central part of the state. I could look out my window, and see their trains far, far, below. The lens I would have needed to photograph those trains from up there was far beyond the reach of mortal men.

I took this picture at a later date, sometime around 1990 when I went back for a visit.
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