Tuesday, October 26, 2010

View on a bridge

This is the kind of shot the guys from yesterday were going for. The northbound Coast Starlight, running about 4 hours late, crossing the Salt Creek trestle. I'm sure anyone looking out the windows would have wondered about the crazy guys standing in the cold and snow. My own experience was that it is nice to be inside the train, cozy, warm, and dry.

On one of my cross country train trips from LA to New York I  followed a cold front across the country. The weather was quite nice at Albuquerque, but by the time we reached northern New Mexico the temperature had fallen precipitously. It got so cold so fast that the tracks broke apart in several places from the temperature change, delaying my train. By Chicago the next day it was downright frigid.   The train was an hour late getting out of the windy city, and by the time it reached Buffalo the next morning was 7 hours down. Buffalo was in the middle of one of their lake effect blizzards, and visibility was non existent. I could see just far enough off the train to see the streets empty of traffic, nothing moving. Amtrak was the only thing going. I was very glad to be in a nice warm sleeper!
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