Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A funny looking forest

One of the busiest rail lines around is the route between Mojave and Bakersfield, California that passes through the town of Tehachapi. It is a mountain railroad, crossing the southern end of the Sierra range, with plenty of tunnels, curves, and the famous loop where the track crosses over itself in a loop to obtain elevation. This mostly single track line hosts trains from both the UP and BNSF, and is the major rail link between northern and southern California.

Despite the fact that this is a mountain railroad, there aren't many trees to be seen. The east end has Joshua trees, the west some oaks. For the most part the terrain is bare. That makes these wind turbines that cover the hillsides stand out even more. This is a high wind area, which makes it ideal for wind power generation. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of turbines covering the ridges along the east end of the line. I like them, think they add scenic interest.
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