Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More fall colors

Lanesboro, Pennsylvania is yet another small town in the wilds of northern Pennyslvania. It is known chiefly for being the home of the Starucca Viaduct, a massively high arched bridge built in 1847 by the New York and Erie Railroad, as part of their route to the west. The route - including the bridge - is still in use today.

In the mid 1980s Conrail used the line as a through route between New York City and Buffalo. Fortunately for us photographers, as many as six trains a day would traverse the route during daylight. Besides the bridge, the town had a cemetary, convieniently located adjacent to the tracks.

One picture perfect October day I was out with my buddys getting some fall color shots. While everyone else either went to the bridge or stayed at track level, I moseyed on down to the graveyard. I'd been here before scoping out the scene, but never had managed to catch a train just right, till this day.

Later on when we had a slide show, I got to see saw what the other guys had shot. I liked my scene much better. I went back to this location multiple other times after this, but never got another shot here as nice as this.
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