Sunday, August 15, 2010

A tall cool one for a hot summer day

Every winter, Dan, Matt, Anthony and I try to get up into the mountains at least once. Our goal is always to get some snow shots, hopefully something good enough to go on a Christmas card. It is never a certainty, since we are at the mercy of Mother Nature - she has to cooperate by providing the cold white stuff. But not too much of it - we need to be able to drive up up there. A blue sky, sunny day is also strongly appreciated. Then of course there is always the railroad - they need to run some trains for us to photograph!

In 2002 we got the right combination. This scene is high in the Cascades, east of Springfield. Snow, sun, a train, and nice enough to stand around outside and not freeze our collective asses off waiting for the train. A nice scene from days gone by, and days yet to come.
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