One of the things I find photogenic about trains is the uniformity when all the cars are the same. Whether it be a passenger train with a line of stainless steel cars gleaming in the sun, a unit grain train with a long string of identical jumbo hoppers, a 10,000 ton 100 car coal train with hoppers piled high with black diamonds, or as frequently seen in Eugene (but few other places) a log train, there is something about a matched consist that catches my eye.
The Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad is part of the chain that moves cut logs from Canada south to Roseburg to supply the mills of Douglas county with raw material. CORP handles the logs on the last stage of the journey, from Eugene to points south. I can frequently catch this train as it passes through Eugene, as in this view from August, 2004. The train is about to pass by the Eugene Amtrak station, with the towering silos of Eugene Grain Millers in the background. The train made an impressive sight, with dozens of loaded log cars following two matched locomotives.
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