Saturday, August 21, 2010

Southern Serves the South, Part II

For many years it was an semi annual tradition for my friend John and I to go on a couple of  long weekend railfan expeditions. The last weekend of March and  Columbus Day weekend we'd be on the road heading for somewhere we had read or heard about. Since our time was limited, so was our geographic range - the Carolinas to the south or Ohio to the west was the reasonable limit of travel. Longer trips - to Chicago and points west - had to wait until summer when we could take more time off work.

One year we reached Richmond, Virginia on our Columbus Day adventure. Our goal was to catch one of the last excursion runs of the season. Since we had left home just after work, we arrived in Richmond in the wee hours of the morning. Too keyed up from the drive to get to sleep,we headed to the Amtrak station to see if any scenes presented themselves. Nothing at the station itself, but just up the tracks the RF&P Railroad had conveniently parked one of their switchers. We took advantage of the opportunity and got several nice shots, just enough to unwind and let the tiredness catch up to us so we could catch some ZZZs before daylight, and the special train we had come to see.
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