Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Nice Place for a Picnic

One nice late summer day Donna and I decided to go for a drive up into the Cascades. There were a couple of photo locations I wanted to check out. We thought we might do a little exploring, too.

One of the locations was where the Cascade Line crosses Salmon Creek, just uphill from Oakridge. I had ridden through on Amtrak and thought it had some possibilities. I found it on the map, too, but had never taken any shots here. So, we packed some snacks, some chairs, loaded up Rusty, and headed up the hill.

There is a fish hatchery on Salmon Creek, just out of town. It sits adjacent to the creek, and is publicly accessible. Since it appeared to be close to where I wanted to go, we drove in. Once on the grounds, I noticed a dirt road out back that seemed like a possibility. Down the road we went, ending up at this spot. Exactly where I wanted to be! We broke out the chairs and snacks, I setup the tripod and camera, Rusty frolicked in the creek. Now all we needed was a train!

And what a train it turned out to be. By this time, the Southern Pacific had been part of the Union Pacific for five years, and most evidence from SP days was gone. Nearly all the SP locomotives had been either painted yellow or scrapped.  Catching two SP units leading a train here was good fortune.

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  1. This is a lovely spot....Maybe we could visit when we come...really does look like a great spot for a picnic...and I would love to see a picture with a train AND a pair of frolicing dogs! Hee Heee!

  2. I remember this day well! It was a beautiful day for hanging out and relaxing by the creek. It was a lovely location and it's a good thing we had water and snacks because I think we were there for a long time but it was well worth the wait. An what better way for force a person to do nothing but relax and read a book and hang out with a great dog and mate. Leanne, we would love to take you and family up there. You need to come and camp with us sometime.
