Saturday, July 17, 2010

Midnight at Brunswick

Brunswick, Maryland is the western limit of the commuter rail line into Washington DC. Trains carrying homeward bound commuters from the nation's capitol would end their run here, be serviced, turned, and readied for the next days inbound commute rush. Since I would generally leave on my railfanning expeditions after working all day, Brunswick would be about the right distance away to stop for the night. Having a large railyard there made it all the better.

In those days - the mid 1980s - we could generally go take our pictures, and as long as we weren't climbing on the equipment or acting unsafely, no one would bother us. Not the case this night, though. We setup our tripods, broke out the flashbulbs, and started lighting up the night. It didn't take long for the railroad police to drive out and tell us to leave the property. At least we got a couple of good shots.
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