Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Horse and Iron Horse

One of the things about photography that fascinates me the most is the ability, with the proper subject and location, to create an image from an earlier age. This photo, taken in Sugar Creek Ohio in 1993, is a perfect example.

The Ohio Central Railroad is a shortline that serves the north central part of that state. In the1990s they hauled tourists behind their steam locomotive #1551 out of  Sugar Creek. The area surrounding the town is populated by a large number of Amish. While wandering around taking my photos of the railroad, I noticed the numerous horse and buggy teams traveling into town  I knew that sooner or later if I were in the right place, I'd get a shot of both horse, and iron horse. The grade crossing downtown seemed to be that place. A few things to happen simultaneously to make the shot. The train needed to not move out of the scene, and a buggy, but no cars, needed to cross the tracks. My patience was ultimately rewarded with this image.

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