Heather, Oregon is about 50 rail miles uphill from Springfield, on the way to Willamette Pass. Driving highway 58 you cross under the high railroad trestle that is just beyond the south end of this siding. The north end is accessible off a dirt road that you would miss, if you don't know to look for it. It is high enough in elevation that if it is raining in Springfield, it is snowing in Heather.
The day after Thanksgiving 2005, the guys - Dan, Matt, Anthony and myself - decided to head up to snow country, to try for some winter scenes. As I recall, we did pretty good, as the railroad cooperated by running trains, and Mother Nature by providing the white stuff. There was enough snow to look like winter, but not enough to make the roads impassible. We covered the line from Oakridge (town itself was dry, but the surrounding mountains were white) all the way to Cascade Summit where there was a heavy white blanket.
This shot, near the north end of Heather, is my favorite from that day.
Very nice! Looked like a great day for shooting pictures!