Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Sometimes Sunny in Springfield

Close to home, a southbound freight passes through downtown Springfield. This shot is unusual for a couple of reasons. First, our skies are not usually clear and sunny in early January, when this shot was taken. Second, this was shot from the parking lot of an office complex in south Springfield. Everytime before (and since) Ive gone past the place, the lot has been behind a locked gate. This Sunday morning it was wide open! I took advantage of my lucky find.

This is one of the few locations where it is possible to get a panoramic view of downtown. From the left you can see the Fifth Street rail crossing, with the two story Emerald Art Museum behind it. Farther back and to the right is the spire of the United Methodist church, the most impressive of Springfield's church structures. Continuing to the right, you can see the roof line of City Hall (behind the trees) and the Springfield Museum, the three story brick building with the flagpole. Until  very recently this was the tallest building in town. Between the train and those buildings are various low rise commercial buildings. The Coburg Hills rise behind town and overlook all.
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