Sunday, September 5, 2010

The tunnel was too low - but it's a little higher now.

I don't only take pictures of trains when I'm trackside. Sometimes other things require photo capture, too.

One day the guys and I went up the hill. We always stop in Oakridge when we do that, since one never knows what might be sitting in the yard that is of interest. On this particular trip we came across these double stacked containers, that had obviously not cleared the top of the tunnel between Westfir and Oakridge. There are many tunnels on the line between Eugene and Cascade Summit, and none have high enough clearance to allow passage of standard height containers stacked two high. There is a clearance detector just outside of Springfield that is supposed to warn train crews if they have any loads too high to fit through. We don't know the specifics of this incident, but somehow the excess height wasn't noticed till it was too late.

I'm surprised at the limited extent of the damage - I would have thought hitting the tunnel portal would have ripped the tops of the upper containers completely off. We didn't go look at the tunnel to see if it had sustained any damage.
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