Tuesday, September 28, 2010

#18 at Bartle tank

Even before I started taking train pictures, I've enjoyed hiking along the railroad. One time when I was only three or four years old, I set out from my folks house to walk along some nearby tracks, ending up miles from home. But, that's a story for another time and place.

Besides the physical act of hiking, all sorts of things are waiting to be found back where most people never go. Neat things like old structures. Not being visited by people generally means they are in good shape, not vandalized and covered with graffitti. With the right combination of perspective and imagination, I've been able to capture some real "back in time" images.

About 20 miles east of McCloud, California on the McCloud River Railroad sits Bartle tank. This antique wooden water tank dates from the very early days of the line, and was used to resupply water to steam locomotives. It is a bit of a hike in from the nearest road crossing, so not many people get to it.  I don't know if it was still in use by the date of this picture. The occasional steam powered tourist train that passed this way didn't need to rewater this soon after leaving town, nor did the line's diesel freights. I'm glad to have found it. It definitely added some visual interest to an otherwise unremarkable line.

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