Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A private car, but not one the president is likely to ride in

As I've mentioned before, I don't only take pictures of locomotives and trains when wandering around trackside. Sometimes there aren't any trains around to shoot, and sometimes I see something else that attracts my interest.

In November 2005 the guys and I headed up into the Cascades  to get some winter snow shots. We stopped in Oakridge on the way up, as is our SOP. I happened upon this unique "private car" while wandering around. It certainly would be private! Only room for one passenger, but the view out can't be too good.  It would be funny to see a unit train of a bunch of these hooked together, going down the track!

In actuality, this is exactly what it appears to be, but mounted on a frame with steel wheels. The maintenance crews can hook this to their other equipment and haul it along the track to a work location wherever needed.

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