Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No One in Their Right Mind Would Go Here

Hoboken, New Jersey is not a destination anyone in their right mind would ever go to. Unless you are one of the thousands of commuters who ride the trains everday into and out of New York City. Or, a crazy railfan!

In the early 1980s the operation was still using the original equipment built circa 1910 by the Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railway. Which is why us crazy railfans went there. The cars were pretty beat up by that time, hot in summer, cold in winter, and uncomfortable all year round. At this date the state of New Jersey was just beginning to replace this old junk with new. It was definitely a place we had to go photograph.

This location is the western end of the Hoboken Tunnels. The city of Hoboken sits atop the tunnels, and the station where commuters transfer to a subway for New York City is on the other end. To get here we had to climb through a fence and down a cliff face, while dodging all the trash, and hoping not to get accosted by anyone. Once we got down here, we had to find a place where we could get decent photos, but be out of the way of the trains and the high voltage catenary that powered them! I also had to deal with the issue of sneezing my head off every minute or so. The Ragweed was awful! I popped lots of Allerest, but that only succeeded in putting me to sleep for the long ride home.

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